Monday, March 9, 2009

So much for the NO SPEND MARCH

I guess this was a bad time of the year to try to not spend. After all, in just a few weeks we have a lot of celebrating to do:

  • April 1st is my 9th anniversary with my wonderful husband Craig
  • April 3rd is Jacob's 3rd birthday
  • April 7th is Ryan's 6th birthday (and he shares a birthday with my Grandpa - who will be 79!)
  • April 12th is Easter
  • May 10th is Mother's Day
  • May 20th is Madeline's 8th birthday
Scattered in there we also have several other family birthdays! It's a busy time of the year for us, but I love it. I know it's truly spring when we start planning the boys' birthdays!

This weekend we made a trip to Sam's Club for some needed grocery items. We also stopped at the party supply store to see if they had any Indiana Jones party supplies. They did not, so I had to order them this morning. The boys have a joint party with our family and friends in April and Maddie has one in May. This year, both Maddie and Ryan were interested in celebrating their birthdays at Bounce U with some friends, so we booked a joint party for them there later in April. Because I spend my days with a houseful of kids (doing childcare) the idea of hosting a home birthday party for my kids friends is enough to send me to the looney bin! So Bounce U it is (and, since Maddie and Ryan are sharing the party, it's actually quite affordable!).

But I just spent $100 on party goods! Yikes! This was a total for 3 different parties, so it isn't as bad as it seems. With my possible surgery looming in the near future, I feel better knowing that I have the party stuff under control and we'll be ready to go (especially if I am recovering from a surgery). The boys are having Indiana Jones and Maddie chose a horse pattern that we actually have not had in previous years!

Now I just need to work on the menus for the parties!


  1. Hi Lisa,
    What are you guys doing for your anniversary? We had such a nice weekend. We hopped all over the place Sat. but the first place was the Allentown Preservation Society. And then we went to my favorite antique store which is out 222 toward Reading. You know what is funny is that I don't even know the name of it. I need to ask her for a business card next time I go. If you head 222 she is on the right hand side past that Amish furniture store (which is on the left). Her store is attached to her home and it's just a small place but it's the best! Then we went over to what we call the barn. It's either the Country Barn or something. Gosh, I'm not very good at giving out info huh? lol It's in Orefield off 100. Isn't it funny how we just drive places and I don't even know the names? I need to pay more attention. LOL

  2. Oh and on the way back we stopped for ChickFila. I miss that place!

  3. Okay and now I'm just comment ridiculous but I just had to say I love Quakertown for antiques! We were looking for an antique bed for Ella's room a couple years ago and headed out to Ashley and then to the antique stores.
    We ended up finding a solid wood, gorgeous bed for less than they wanted for particle board at Ashley. Of course then she came home and wrote her name on it in pen. If you have any suggestions for getting that out, I'm all ears! Next time I'll wait and just call you so I'm not taking over your blog with my comments. ;)

  4. Okay - we soooo need a morning to go out together! How much fun would it be to hit all the great stores?????

  5. That would be so great! We'll have to plan something!
